15 February 2010

Best laid plans

Today did not exactly go according to plan. Rather than beginning the day at 7.30 with a revitalising yoga class, we began the day at 2am with George doing a giant yak. And things didn't get much better from there. No sooner had we congratulated ourselves on (almost) getting through India unscathed, George came down with a massive bout of gastro.

Neither of us got a whole lot of sleep, and poor George spent the entire day in the hotel room between bed and the bathroom. I didn't get a whole lot done either, other than reading somewhere between 200-300 pages of various books. I spent the first half of the day in the hotel room being sympathetic before I started going mad and had to get out, so I went outside and sat beside the water and polished off one of my books.

After this I went to one of the restaurants and had a masala dosa for lunch before returning to the hotel room for more sympathy and fell asleep on the divan looking out over the harbour. Around 5 I gently and respectfully coaxed George out of bed and we went and sat near the pool and I had a beer while he had a 7Up and one quarter of a dry piece of toast. We then moved inside to the bar where I had another beer and George sipped on a bottle of water. By the time we were done with that we were well and truly over it so we're now back in the hotel room trying to stay awake until a reasonable hour before we can go to bed.

So not a particularly successful first Valentine's Day as a married couple...

George seems to be on the mend now, although not 100% after eating nothing today and barely keeping down any liquids. Hopefully he should be back to normal tomorrow, since we'll be picked up by the travel dudes at 10 to take us to Alleppey to board our houseboat for the next two nights. It's safe to say that there will be no wi-fi on the boat, so there will be no more entries until the 17th when we return here for our final night in India - and as much as I hate to say it, we're quite looking forward to that! But, we don't want to rush through the last days of our holiday, and I'm sure we'll have a good time. Hopefully on our last day here we'll actually get the chance to get to Fort Cochin and see more than the compound of this very nice but very expensive hotel.


Anonymous said...

Good to see India has been added to the long list of places that receive rapidly ejected AUOB bodily fluids...Melbourne public toilets, in front of school girls, my sister-in-law's house. Hope you are feeling better and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the kitchen sink.

Anonymous said...

Rose bushes as well...