13 September 2009

The final day

Friday was our last full day in dreamland. As usual the sun woke us early, and its efforts to raise us from slumber were well supported by powerful winds that actually shifted the floor beneath us. After a bacon and eggs breakfast I took Jedi for a run to the gate, in a deathly head wind that challenged my very flimsy commitment to exercise, a commitment already dented by the night's boozy activities.

My run completed, we cleansed the previous day's misdeeds from ourselves, tidied around the house and headed out for a scenic drive. We drove up from the sole of Yorke Peninsula's geographic foot and headed west towards the big toenail, marked by a lighthouse. There we let Jedi have a bit of a run around on the beach in the shadow of the lighthouse before deciding our own beaches were better and heading home. We decided to use the last of the day's light to enjoy our own cove, and took a picnic blanket and a bottle of French sauvignon blanc with us. We sipped and watched Jedi bounce around in bliss until the sun disappeared behind the walled cove. Clambering up the hill back to the house for a final time, I recall a twinge of sadness as I gazed over our stunning beach view, and at that point I committed to return.

After rinsing away sand under the great outdoor heated shower, we finished the French SB before opening another, this time a Margaret River. The night progressed as the others did, with a delicious dinner of lightly marinated pork loin chops and balsamic vinegar roasted vegetables.

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